
I am a member of the following collaborations:

  • GroundBIRD (2019-), CMB polarisation experiment using KIDs detectors at 150/220GHz, Japanese / Korean / Spain collaboration. Commissioning, observations, data analysis pipeline.
  • QUIJOTE (2019-), CMB foreground experiment using two 2.25m telescopes at 10-20, 30 and 40GHz, Spain / UK collaboration. Scientific analysis, data analysis pipeline.
  • IAU Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (CPS), co-lead of Sathub
  • KISS spectrometer (2020-21), submm spectroscopy at 100-200GHz on a QUIJOTE telescope. France / Spain collaboration. Observations, scientific analysis.
  • BINGO (2016-), H1 intensity mapping. 40m class telescope at 980-1260MHz under construction in Paraiba, Brazil. Brazil/UK/China collaboration. Led RFI measurements and site selection paper, horn testing, and ongoing receiver development work.
  • C-Band All Sky Survey (C-BASS) (2013-). 5GHz all-sky survey using telescopes in California, USA, and the Karoo desert, South Africa. UK/US/South Africa collaboration. Understanding receiver systematics, C-BASS South commissioning; data analysis in general; and Galactic science. Including visit to Caltech in 2012, and HartRAO and the SKA South Africa basecamp in 2014.
  • Planck satellite (2010-18), Low Frequency Instrument Core Team member. Galactic foregrounds (Working Group 7: particularly anomalous microwave emission, AME, e.g., discovering new regions); worked on Planck LFI colour corrections; led the Planck paper on the Andromeda Galaxy (Working Group 6). Planck won an RAS Group Award, and the Gruber Foundation Cosmology Prize, both in 2018.
  • One Centimetre Receiver Array (2006-13). 30GHz receiver on the Torun 32m telescope. UK/Poland collaboration. Wrote and used a data reduction pipeline to analyse OCRA-p radio point source surveys. Worked on OCRA-F receiver testing. End-to-end simulated observations with the OCRA receivers.